Contact the NAfME public policy staff regarding NAfME coalition participation.

The Music Education Policy Roundtable

Originally conceived of and formalized by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and American String Teachers Association (ASTA), the Music Education Policy Roundtable is music education’s premier policy coalition, representing the unification of many great music education organizations under a single banner.  Together, the Roundtable works in efforts to achieve a consensus set of federal legislative recommendations, on behalf of the profession and all of those who stand to benefit from its contributions to education.

Legislative materials, formal statements, key resources, and membership

The Committee for Education Funding (CEF)

The Committee for Education Funding (CEF) is a coalition that was founded in 1969 with the goal of achieving adequate federal financial support for our nation’s educational system. The coalition is voluntary, nonprofit and nonpartisan. CEF members include educational associations, institutions, agencies, and organizations whose interests range from preschool to postgraduate education in both public and private systems. The National Association for Music Education has been a member of CEF since 2010, and continues to maintain an active role as the ONLY organization that represents the music and arts community within the coalition.

The Title IV-A Coalition

Within the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA), the landmark law includes a new block grant titled Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants, which was created under Title IV, Part A. This grant will provide supplemental funding to help states and school districts, and provide access to “Well-Rounded” education subjects, which now includes music and the arts.

The Title IV, Part A Coalition is an alliance of like-minded prestigious education groups that are working to urge Congress to increase funding for this program. Formed in 2016, NAfME joined the Coalition as a founding member; the Association has since participated in key meetings with members of Congress, and help organize key press events on behalf of the Coalition.

Coalition for Teaching Quality (CTQ)

For 20 years, CTQ has led efforts to improve public education, drawing from the expertise and insights of experienced educators. We have worked with thousands of teachers, administrators, and system leaders nationwide, listening to and learning from their experiences, then collaborating with them to create solutions to make public schools better.

National Coalition for Technology in Education & Training

The National Coalition for Technology in Education and Training (NCTET) is a non-partisan, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of education stakeholders that promotes universal access to innovative teaching and learning by acting as a convener and catalyst for the effective use of technology in education. We envision a world where educators empowered by technology prepare all learners for success in the workforce, citizenship and life.

National Partnership for Student Success

The vision for the NPSS has been developed by a diverse group of organizations, agencies, educators, and parents and began with the creation of a framework for action and a set of recommendations from the field. The NPSS focuses on five types of evidence-based student supports that can be combined to meet holistic student needs: academic tutors; mentors; post-secondary transition coaches; student success coaches; and wraparound integrated student support coordinators.

Arts Education Partnership

The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is a national network of more than 200 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States.

AEP is the nation’s hub for arts and education leaders, building their leadership capacity to support students, educators and learning environments. Through research, reports, convenings and counsel, leaders gain knowledge and insights to ensure that all learners receive an excellent arts education.

National Coalition for Arts Standards

The National Coalition for Arts Standards (NCCAS) is an alliance of national arts and arts education organizations dedicated to supporting and promoting sequential, standards-based arts education as part of a well-rounded curriculum that ensures artistic literacy for all students. The coalition formed in 2011 for the purpose of creating and supporting national arts standards.


For inquiries regarding NAfME coalition participation, please contact the NAfME public policy staff.