new teaching music magazine masthead

Teaching Music magazine is the NAfME publication for all members at all teaching levels and in all areas. Membership includes four issues per year, distributed both in print and digitally.

Questions or feedback? Contact Laura Reed


Institutional Subscription for Teaching Music

Institutions can purchase a 1-year annual subscription to NAfME’s membership magazine Teaching Music for $235. An individual subscriber may purchase more than 1 subscription if desired. There is no option to purchase individual issues. Note that the 1-year subscription is print only for the annual period from July 1 to June 30 of each year (1 volume, 4 issues: August, October, January, April).

Institutional subscriptions can be purchased during the period March 1 to June 30 each year. Subscribers who purchase or renew during that payment window will receive a full volume year (four issues: August, October, January, June). On request NAfME can send a PDF copy of any missed hard copy issues to current subscribers. Please note that NAfME pulls the mailing list for each issue one full month prior to the magazine first day of the month for that issue (one month prior to January 1, April 1, August 1, and October 1).

Purchase an institutional subscription. Please have prepared a point of contact name and email and the institutional name and mailing address for the subscription. Questions? Contact Member Services at 800-336-3768 or


Teaching Music Magazine Guidelines for Contributors

Teaching Music  magazine is a member benefit of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). It is mailed quarterly in August, October, January, and April and also available online. NAfME’s Teaching Music Advisory Committee guides content development and review for the magazine. Articles should be easy-to-read, practical, informative, and engaging. We welcome short submissions from NAfME members that describe effective and innovative instructional strategies or thoughtful solutions to problems faced by music educators at all levels, from PreK through college.

Authors should review NAfME’s Strategic Plan, which includes NAfME’s Mission, Vision, and Belief Statement. Also, make sure to read A Blueprint for Strengthening the Music Teacher Profession. A wide variety of article topics are possible, including:

  • Themes and implementation ideas from NAfME’s Strategic Plan and Blueprint
  • Practical teaching ideas based on the National Standards
  • Innovative strategies related to one or more music education content areas, teaching levels, or teaching contexts (such as small schools, general music education, etc.)
  • Tips for teachers, techniques, case studies, lesson plans, and/or best practices
  • An advocacy idea that worked for you—how you implemented it and what the results were
  • Practical classroom application of the latest research in music education
  • Technology for music instruction or considerations and applications for use of AI in music education
  • Cross-curricular integration
  • Assessment

Issues are planned approximately five months in advance. To avoid duplicating a topic already slated for publication, send a query letter for the Teaching Music Advisory Committee containing the following information:

  • Draft title of your article
  • A brief overview of your topic, specific areas of focus in the article, and intended audiences
  • Which section of the magazine that you envision the article appearing in (if applicable)
  • Approximate length of the article (word count)
  • A brief outline of the article contents
  • Your short bio (100–250 words), including your current position and title and work and academic background

All submissions are reviewed by the Teaching Music  editorial staff and multiple members of the Teaching Music  Advisory Committee or other experienced music educators and/or content-area specialists, with additional review by the NAfME Equity Committee as needed. Please allow 4–6 weeks for review.

Accepted works are between 500 and 2000 words long and are written in a direct, conversational style. Footnotes or endnotes are rarely used; any necessary references are incorporated into the text of the submission. See our Tips for TM Contributors for more information.

Teaching Music will not consider work that has been simultaneously submitted to another publisher and will not normally consider reprints. Copyright for all submissions accepted for publication is assigned to NAfME. Payment is not possible for contributions to the magazine. Once a submission is accepted, authors are encouraged to send in high-resolution color photographs or other graphics that illustrate the main points of their work, as well as a headshot. Any costs associated with illustrations or musical examples are the responsibility of the author. Permission from the parents or guardians of minors whose photographs are submitted are required (Release Form).

When submitting an article, an accompanying email should include a short bio (100–250 words for each author), including your current position, relevant experience, and credentials. In addition, please provide the author’s address, daytime phone number, title or position, and name of school or institution. Attach to the email, as separate files:

  • A Word document using a clear font such as Times New Roman or Calibri, 12-point font
  • A high-resolution author photo, including photographer credits if necessary
  • Any photos (with photographer credits), illustrations, music examples, tables, or photos as high-resolution jpg or png files

Send submissions and query letters to Laura Reed at