Advocacy Resource Center
To help you plan your teaching and support your music education advocacy efforts, NAfME offers the following resources.
- ESSER Funding Toolkit 2023– COVID Relief Funding in the Music Classroom. Information for music educators, music education advocates, and school administrators regarding the historic levels of federal funding currently making their way to schools and how these funds can be used to support music education.
- Music and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). Research tells us that music educators are well-suited to help students develop socially and emotionally.
- Local Advocacy Action Plan. This resource is intended to aid music educators and music education supporters as they seek to improve the overall condition of a music program.
Grassroots Advocacy Resources
- Music Education Advocate Podcast
- The Impact of Federal Funds on Music and Arts Education 2023
- Every Student Succeeds Act resources
- Grassroots Advocacy Inventory
- Society for Music Teacher Education Policy E-Kit
- Find your state advocacy leadership
- Organizing a State Advocacy Day
- Title IV-A Toolkit FAQ
- Title IV-A Success Stories
- Parents – 5 Ways to Support Your Music Program
- Connecting with Legislators
- Public Relations 101
- 2014 Standards State Implementation Toolkit
- NAfME Field Guide to State Lobbying
- Title I and Arts Education Allowable Uses
- Concert Program Advocacy Inserts for Teachers:
- Concert Program advocacy insert for parents: Concert Program advocacy insert (landscape); portrait style