NAfME Hill Day 2024
Wednesday, June 12
About the Event
As part of the 2024 National Leadership Assembly, NAfME leaders and advocates will be returning to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, June 12. Attendance at this event is by invitation only. Attendees must register through the Hill Day registration link received in the National Assembly informational emails. (Check out highlights from NAfME Hill Day 2024.)
Advocacy Resources
- Take action today: Send an email to your U.S. Representative and Senators
- Webinar: "How to Hug a Porcupine: Relationship Building with Lawmakers and Why It's Important" - How to overcome discomfort and learn methods for building relationships with elected officials
- NAfME Hill Day Training Video
- All Participants Training PowerPoint
- NAfME FY 25 Legislative Fact Sheet
- NAfME FY 25 Programmatic Fact Sheet
- The Impact of Federal Funds on Music and Arts Education: Results from the 2023 Survey
Additional Resources
- Accessibility Services on the Hill
- Attractions around the Hill
- In addition to general attractions on Capitol Hill, NAfME’s Hill Day will coincide with the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity. Ticket prices range from $10-$15, and the game will take place at Nationals Park in SE DC.
- Capitol Grounds Map
- Places to eat on the Hill