Capitol Hill group shot pre-service music educators

Leading the Fight for Music Education

The National Association for Music Education (NAfME), together with our affiliated state music education associations, advocates at the federal, state, and local levels to educate elected officials and other key decision makers about the impact and importance of music education. Representing music educators, students, and advocates, NAfME is dedicated to ensuring the access to and presence and perseverance of quality music programs operated by certified music educators, for all students across the nation, regardless of circumstance. Through active advocacy and collaboration, we are changing the national conversation about music’s role in delivering an outstanding well-rounded education to all students. Questions regarding advocacy initiatives? Contact our NAfME Advocacy and Policy team at

NAfME Hill Day

Every June, NAfME leaders visit Capitol Hill to request support for their music students and programs.

2024 Hill Day logo_HR
Arts ARE Educational National Campaign image

Music Teacher Profession Initiative

This task force of NAfME leaders from higher education institutions seeks to identify barriers to equity in music teacher recruitment, education, and retention

January 2025 Teaching Music


Grassroots Action Center image

Grassroots Action Center

  • Support Music Education in State and Federal Education Policy
  • Get Involved with the Legislative Process
  • Find Your Representatives and Engage Your Members in Congress
  • Get Updates on Legislation Affects Music & Arts Education


NAfME Civic Action Field Guide

This field guide will help you better understand the processes behind how public education is governed and funded.

Local Advocacy Action Plan

This resource is intended to aid music educators and music education supporters as they seek to improve the overall condition of a music program.

Music and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Research tells us that music educators are well-suited to help students develop socially and emotionally.

NAfME advocates at the federal level to educate elected officials and other key decision-makers about the impact and importance of music education programs.

Federal Funds Survey Brief for Advocates

How have federal funds supported music and arts education and what action can you take to support music education? 

ESSER Toolkit

How can you make use of ESSER funds to support more students having access to a quality music education in your school?

Title IV-A Toolkit

Also known as the Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants, SSAE provides supplemental funding to school districts in three broad areas.

Advertisement: Find your next position! Add your profile to the NAfME Career Center. Click to learn more.

State Advocacy

Learn about state-level advocacy including the activities of the family of NAfME state music education associations and the NAfME Advocacy Leadership Force (ALF)

Annual Event

Music In Our Schools Month

teachers in general session with elementary music instruments

This annual celebration of music in our nation’s schools is the year’s biggest opportunity to advocate for music education.

Free lesson plan for NAfME members and educators. Student playing violin. Music Inclusion Hub logo. Learn more button

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Advertisement: Support Music Education. Click to donate.