NAfME Professional Learning Webinars

Through NAfME’s Professional Learning and Partnerships Committee (PLPC), societies, councils, and other programs/outreach efforts (for advocacy, etc.), and the active participation of members submitting presentation proposals, NAfME provides a variety of informative webinars for members throughout the year. Selected programming is available for members and nonmembers.

Nafme students Orff session
Tri-m music honor society has a place for you image

Submit a Webinar Proposal

Webinar proposals from NAfME members are accepted throughout the year. All proposals are reviewed by NAfME's Professional Learning and Partnerships Committee (PLPC), with additional review by the NAfME Equity Committee as needed. If you have an idea for a webinar or would like to submit a proposal please contact John Donaldson (

Make sure to include the following:

  • Write an engaging, copy-edited title and overview description with learning objectives.
  • Submit short bios for all presenters. 

Preparing the following as well will expedite the proposal review process:

  • Attach an advance draft of your presentation slides
  • Include a link to a 1- to 2-minute video providing a brief recap of the proposed webinar (key areas covered and why the topic is important).