What is the Music Education Policy Roundtable?

Mission and Core Values

The Music Education Policy Roundtable is a public policy coalition led by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) that advocates for a high-quality music education for all students. Consisting of music organizations, trade associations, and businesses, the Roundtable is unified under a single policy banner and works to achieve a consensus set of federal legislative recommendations aimed at ensuring the continued presence and expansion of high-quality music programs in America’s schools. The Roundtable believes that music education should be taught by certified music educators, delivering sequential, standards-based music education to all students across the nation, regardless of personal circumstance or background. 

Areas of Work:

  • Policy development
  • Federal advocacy
  • State-level advocacy support
  • Advocacy training
  • Music education advocacy PR
  • Web content and support
  • Membership development


Roundtable Guiding Commitments:

  • To stand in unison, first and foremost, for the perseverance of sequential, standards-based music education in America’s schools, taught by certified-music educators.
  • To utilize our annual Federal Legislative Agenda to benefit music education, however possible, ensuring consistency of policy goals amongst Roundtable member-groups, whenever possible.
  • To foster, facilitate and engage grassroots advocacy as well as capacity building activities in efforts to protect music programs
  • To regularly interact with and share our policy work with arts education supporters from across the country, in order to bolster the overall impact of our collective advocacy work. 

2021 Presidential Transition

In January 2021, the Roundtable submitted a letter to President-Elect Joseph R. Biden’s Transition team detailing education policy proposals that would advance the goal of a relevant and equitable music education for all students.

Current Roundtable Members


Individual Members:

  • Sarah Fairfield
  • David Jewell
  • Michelle Fella Przybylowski