Check Out the All-New Teaching Music Magazine

NAfME Members: Your Quarterly Magazine Is Filled
with New Regular Features and an Updated Design

National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is pleased to introduce a reimagined, redesigned publication for NAfME members! Since 2011, you have enjoyed print and digital copies of Teaching Music magazine. We recently heard from members from around the country, and based on those conversations, NAfME has relaunched a newly-designed quarterly periodical that addresses the issues you care about and provides new ideas and industry updates you need for your music program to succeed.


“Layout is super cool and has many practical immediately applicable contributions. ‘Jam Session’ was so valuable in thinking about the teaching process as a person looks toward  the new year. The ideas were practical, valuable, and most of all applicable. The focus of this valuable journal toward the immediate process of teaching makes it of interest to the reader personally.  A professionally exciting contribution to our profession!”—Fred Kersten, Boston University


Besides the refreshed look and organization of Teaching Music, with a stronger emphasis on applicable content, you will find:

  • Jam Session: quick, practical ideas from your colleagues answering your questions in a Q&A format
  • Music Mojo: insights on music from educators and artists you respect
  • Teacher’s Gig Bag: useful practices and professional development ideas to help you in your program
  • Techniques: great advice, ideas, and challenges addressed by fellow music educators
  • Lessons: case studies and best practices using the Music Standards in the classroom
  • Showtime: actionable ideas related to performances and student activities
  • State Opus: highlights from state music education association journals
  • Measures: practical classroom applications of the latest research in music education
  • Music Room: new products, technologies, and resources

Check out the inaugural issue (August 2019) of the redesigned Teaching Music magazine today. Please share your ideas and feedback—and let us know if you have a great idea you believe should be included in the magazine. Share thoughts on Amplify, or email NAfME at

If you are not yet a NAfME member, join today to access the new Teaching Music magazine and all the back issues, as well as all five NAfME peer-reviewed journals.

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Published Date

August 23, 2019


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August 23, 2019. © National Association for Music Education (

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