Music Educators Journal: Calling All Music Educators to Share Your Ideas and Best Practices

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Music Educators Journal
Calling All Music Educators to Share Your Ideas and Best Practices
Music Educators Journal (MEJ) is a peer-reviewed journal that encourages music education professionals to submit manuscripts about all phases of music education in schools and communities, practical instructional techniques, teaching philosophy, and current issues in music teaching and learning. The main goal of MEJ, like that of NAfME, is to advance music education: We seek articles to help our profession grow and develop and to offer practical ideas for the classroom.
MEJ is calling all music educators to share your ideas and best practices with our broad readership. We seek articles that address innovations and inspirations stemming from your work in your classroom. Pieces related to all aspects of music teaching and learning are welcome. Please review the “Guidelines for Contributors.” When your manuscript is ready, you can submit it electronically. Contact Academic Editor Douglas C. Orzolek with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
MEJ is a quarterly publication for all NAfME members that is both printed (to members for $20/year) and available free for members in digital format in September, December, March, and June. Search and review articles of MEJ here (member login required).
Published Date
May 11, 2023
- Research in Music Education
May 11, 2023. © National Association for Music Education (