/ Professional Learning & Events / Event Calendar / DCMEA Conference
About the Event
Washington DC Music Education Association (an organization under the umbrella of the National Association for Music Education), strives to advance and advocate for music education and music professional development across the District, and we are proud to announce our one-day in-person conference at the University of the District of Columbia on January 26, 2024, from 8:00-5:00. Sessions will be held from 8:00-12:00 as well as 1:00-4:00. The day will conclude with a DCMEA-sponsored happy hour from 4:00-5:00.
DCMEA is currently accepting session and ensemble proposals for this one-day conference. Submit a proposal here. Proposal and ensemble applications will run through November 15, 2023, and notifications if your session or ensemble performance being accepted will go out by November 18, 2023. DCMEA is interested in the following topics for session proposals. If you have ideas for other session topics, DCMEA would be interested in hearing about it.
- Modern Band
- Early Childhood Music
- Secondary instrumental rehearsal techniques
- Secondary choral rehearsal techniques
- Go-Go Music
- Drumlines
- Technology in Music Education
Register Now! Early bird DCMEA/NAfME member price is $25 and the non-member price is $40. Prices will increase on December 26. If you aren’t a member of DCMEA/NAfME and you would like to become one, please join here.
For more information, contact Joshua Krohn, music teacher at Brent Elementary School (Ward 6; DCPS) and President and Executive Director of DCMEA, at joshua.krohn@k12.dc.gov.
Start Date
January 26, 2024
End Date
January 26, 2024
Start and End Time
8:00 am - 5:00 pm (ET)
Event Category
- Conference
- In Person
- State MEA
Venue Name
University of the District of Columbia – UDC
4200 Connecticut Avenue Northwest
State or Province