/ Professional Learning & Events / Event Calendar / Time Management Tips for the Busy College Student
About the Event
Collegiate music education majors have a variety of responsibilities, from ensemble commitments to deadlines for projects and papers, and from preparing for lessons and juries to preparing to teach in the classroom. This webinar will discuss a variety of organization and time management strategies such as scheduling techniques and strategies, organization methods, practice plans and deliberate focus, and prioritization systems. Participants will also have the opportunity to share strategies they have found to be effective.
Brett Martinez serves as Director of Bands and Chair of the Instrumental Music Department at Butler Community College in El Dorado, Kansas. Previously he spent fourteen years as a school band director, during which time his groups consistently earned superior ratings at marching and concert band competitions. He holds music education degrees from Wichita State University and was named Teacher of the Year for Douglass Public Schools in 2007. He also serves on the KMEA board as the co-advisor for Kansas C-NAfME, is the Southwestern Division representative for the NAfME Collegiate Advisory Council, and is an elected member of the Phi Beta Mu International Bandmaster Fraternity.
Katrina Cox began her career as the Director of Choral Activities and Drama at Centralia High School in Southern Illinois, where she has created a wide array of music course curricula, conducted a variety of ensembles, and directed a multitude of theatrical productions. As Assistant Professor of Choral Music Education at the University of Nebraska in Omaha, she teaches undergraduate and graduate music education and research courses, directs the Treble University and Nebraska Medical Choirs, supervises practicum students and clinical teachers, advises undergraduate music education majors, and serves as faculty advisor for the UNO student chapter of NAfME.
NAfME presents this live virtual event at no charge to all as a service to the music education profession. To register, you must enter your NAfME member information or create a nonmember account. After registering, check your email for instructions. A recording of this program will be available to all registrants for one week following the live event. Members can also view archived NAfME webinars in the NAfME Academy. The views expressed are those of the presenter; they do not necessarily reflect the views of NAfME.
Start Date
November 20, 2024
End Date
November 20, 2024
Start and End Time
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (ET)
- Collegiate
Event Category
- Live Virtual
- Virtual
- Webinar
Teaching Levels
- College/University