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About the Event

The webinar is for any music educator teaching elementary general music and those teaching 7th – 12th grade general music or a performing ensemble. Music educators will learn tips and techniques to enhance their music lessons and assessments through the use of apps and websites to engage their 21st century music students. The apps and websites covered in the webinar are all free to download or free to create an account, and teachers will learn how they can get grants for devices to use in their classroom.

Lynn Holliman HeadshotDr. Lynn Holliman is a graduate of Delta State University with a bachelor’s in music education and received her master’s in music education from the University of Southern Mississippi. She graduated in 2021 from Auburn University with her Doctorate in Music Education with an emphasis in music technology for instruction. In her nineteenth year at Riverside Schools teaching high school, junior high, and elementary choir, as well as elementary general music, she serves as chair of the Mississippi Prescribed List Committee and as the Mississippi Music Educators Association Junior High Division Secretary. She received the MMEA Outstanding Young Music Teacher of the Year Award in 2011.

NAfME presents this live virtual event at no charge to all as a service to the music education profession. To register, you must enter your NAfME member information or create a nonmember account. Members can also view archived NAfME webinars in the NAfME Academy. 

January 2025 Teaching Music

Start Date

November 29, 2023

End Date

November 29, 2023

Start and End Time

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (EST)


  • Technology

Event Category

  • Live Virtual
  • Webinar

Teaching Levels

  • Junior/Middle School

Venue Name


Free lesson plan for NAfME members and educators. Student playing violin. Music Inclusion Hub logo. Learn more button

Music Education Advocate Podcast box ad

Music Workshop. Music for Well-Being. Online, Self-Paced Professional Development for Music Educators. Learn more at musicworkshop.org