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About the Event

Every student enters our classroom with unique talents and experiences, and, as educators, we are responsible for maximizing every student’s potential. In secondary general music, we can reach students who may enjoy music but refrain from participating in our traditional large ensembles (band, choir, orchestra) for many different reasons. This session will provide music educators with ideas for creating and implementing secondary general music classes that can be culturally relevant and student-centered. Topics covered will include emerging approaches to music education and strategies for incorporating popular music, technology, and multicultural music. In addition, I will discuss the role of the educator in a student-centered classroom and share resources that will help navigate teaching secondary general music courses. 

Shane Calhoun headshotShane Colquhoun, Ph.D., is is the assistant professor of music technology and contemporary music styles at Alabama State University. A Grammy-nominated music educator with a diverse musical background in music education and production, he has published in Journal of General Music Education (formerly General Music Today), the Media Journal in Music Education, and is the author of The Producers of Pop: A Comprehensive Plan for Studying Popular Music Producers. 


January 2025 Teaching Music

Start Date

October 11, 2023

End Date

October 11, 2023

Start and End Time

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (ET)


  • Culturally Relevant Teaching
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA)

Event Category

  • Live Virtual
  • Webinar


  • General Music

Teaching Levels

  • Junior/Middle School
  • Senior High School

Venue Name


What does Tri-M mean to you? Tri-M Alumnus Madelynn W.

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