Ashleigh Lore is an award-winning educator and the state of Michigan’s 2022-23 Region 6 Teacher of the Year.  She received her M.M. in Music Education from The University of Michigan, is Orff-Schulwerk Certified, First Steps in Music (FAME) Certified, Google for Education Certified, and has completed Kodaly Level I training. Between writing, editing, and advising others, Ashleigh has earned millions of dollars since 2013, and details her process in her first book, The Music Educator’s Guide to Grant Writing. She presents nationally, leads grant writing workshops, and is a strong advocate for music education.

Ashleigh is currently the Treasurer of the Michigan Music Education Association (MMEA), Member-At-Large of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Council for General Music Education, Past-President of the Mid-Michigan Orff-Schulwerk Association (MMOSA), and adjunct faculty at Anderson University (IN) where she teaches a course on grant writing. She teaches elementary music in mid-Michigan, serves the Lansing Symphony Orchestra as their Education & Outreach Coordinator, and is an independent educational consultant. You can learn more about Ashleigh by visiting her website:

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December 2024 Music Educators Journal

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