Enoch Robbins is currently a K-5 music teacher at W.B. Sweeney Elementary School in Willimantic CT. He teaches General Music, Choir, Orchestra, and Modern Band. In addition to teaching, he plans professional development for his colleagues and coordinates district-wide collaboration. His background in is Wind Ensemble and Church Choir. He has also worked with a variety of performing artists from different backgrounds to study different musical traditions such as Hindustani vocal music and Afro-Peruvian festejo. Enoch received his Bachelor of Music in music education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and his Master of Arts in Curriculum from Appalachian State University.

Currently, he is enrolled in Boston University’s Doctoral music education program. Within the connected arts network, he is most excited for the chance to work with other passionate professionals to decenter Western Classical music and expand the scope of music education. He hopes to create a curriculum framework that will allow every child to see themselves in the curriculum!

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