Jason Sickel has been a choral music educator for 20 years all in the great state of Kansas. He is the proud son of two retired public school educators (he had his own father as his band director from 5th-12th grade), the husband of a Kindergarten teacher, and the brother of a math & science education professor at the University of Hawaii. Jason’s teaching experiences have taken him to smaller and larger districts in and around the Kansas City metro area. He has taught students in grades 6-12 and loves the opportunity to serve as guest clinician and adjudicator for many regional festivals and honor choirs. It was Jason’s great honor to serve as the 2017 Kansas Teacher of the Year. His choral interests include working with the male adolescent changing voice and how we create choral cultures where music literacy is a foundational principle for how we teach.

Jason received his BME from Emporia State University in Emporia, KS and his MME from the Conservatory at the University of Missouri Kansas City. He and his wife, Heather, are the proud parents of 13-year-old Lillian who loves playing piano & bass clarinet and singing on her own.

Jason looks forward to collaborating with the NAfME Council for Choral Education and furthering the goals and mission of the committee.


So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning. – Aaron Copland

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