A percussionist and native of Wisconsin, Katherine Prihoda graduated from the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music in 2009 and has taught in Wisconsin ever since. She previously taught in the Lena and Medford School Districts, and is currently teaching instrumental music at Tomah Middle School in the Tomah Area School District. At TMS she teaches the 6th grade band, the 7th grade band, the TMS Marching Band, the TMS Beginning Jazz Band, the TMS Advanced Jazz Band, and she serves on the TMS RtI Behaviors Committee.

Katie is passionate about advocacy and mentoring, participating in multiple Wisconsin Music Educators Association Drive-In Days, serving on the WMEA Advocacy Committee, and hosting clinical students and student teachers. She has given presentations at the WMEA Conference and has presented to the Early Career Music Teacher Collaboration Project, the UW-Eau Claire NAfME Collegiate Chapter, and the UW-La Crosse Instrumental Methods Capstone. In addition to teaching at Tomah Middle School, she is an active WSMA Solo and Ensemble Judge, and she is a proud member of the NAfME, WMEA, the National Band Association, the Wisconsin Concert Band Association, and the American School Band Director’s Association. She currently serves on the WCBA Board as the President-Elect and the All-State Junior Band Coordinator, and serves as the ASBDA Wisconsin State Chair.

In her free time, Katie enjoys reading, cooking, collecting weird instruments, playing Mario Kart and Minecraft with her nephews, hiking, biking, doing yoga, riding her motorcycle, traveling, and playing tennis and pickleball.



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