An active NAfME member for many years, Lesley Ann Bossert is a retired member of OMEA, beginning her second term as the NW representative on the Music Honor Society Advisory Council. Her forty-one year teaching career included elementary music, choral and band in both public and private schools. She taught public school in South Dakota before she began her private boarding school adventures in Utah, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. She was the SDMEA Junior High Chairman as a beginning educator, an MENC Nationally Registered Music Educator (1990 – 1995) and was a 2019 GRAMMY Music Educator Award Quarterfinalist. Teaching choral music at Parkrose High School for nineteen years, her program received a $2000 Grammy Signature Community Award in 2016.

As a performer, Lesley has been a church organist since seventh grade. Having played in many denominations and cities, her favorite gig was the assistant organist at Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge. She is also fulfilling her bucket list singing with a jazz band!

Her involvement with Tri-M began in 2001, establishing a chapter at Parkrose HS with a senior choir member looking for a senior project. The students have made this a viable part of the music department, establishing a school wide recycling program, performing for community events, volunteering at a food pantry and garden, providing ushering for concerts and establishing a scholarship program. The chapter is successfully run by the student leadership.

Lesley holds a B.S. degree in Music and an M.Ed. in Music Education from South Dakota State University. Additional work includes music therapy (U of Wisconsin – Oshkosh) and research in music ed (U of Utah). (2023)

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