Dr. Vanessa L. Bond is Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Music Education at Rowan University and specializes in general, vocal, and early childhood music education. Prior to her appointment at Rowan, Dr. Bond was Associate Professor of Music Education at University of Hartford’s The Hartt School.

In her research, Bond focuses on the intersections of music education and the Reggio Emilia approach, culturally responsive music education, the music education experiences of underrepresented populations, and mentoring. She has presented this work at conferences throughout the United States and abroad, including the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, the National Association for Music Education Research and Music Teacher Education National Conference, and the European Association for Music in Schools. Her publication record includes articles in the Journal of Research in Music Education<, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Early Childhood Education Journal, Journal of Music Teacher Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, General Music Today, and the Choral Journal. Currently, she is on the editorial board of the Journal of Research in Music Education and Early Childhood Education Journal. Previously, she served as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Music Teacher Education.

A frequent clinician and guest conductor, she has provided workshops for schools, libraries, and arts organizations – including the Cleveland Orchestra – and worked with honor choirs at the county, regional, and state levels. Bond was the music education consultant for the Cleveland Orchestra in conjunction with the PNC Foundation Grow Up Great with the Arts initiative and developed teaching materials for the orchestra’s education concerts during the 2009-2012 seasons. Previously, she taught elementary general/vocal music in Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools, voice at Gettysburg College, and served as Education Director and the director of Prelude Chorus for the Connecticut Children’s Choir.

Bond earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education degree from Gettysburg College, a Master of Music in Voice Pedagogy and Performance degree from The Pennsylvania State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education degree from Case Western Reserve University. Her work is enriched by her family roles as partner and mother; she lives with her husband and their three children in Hopewell, New Jersey.

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