/ Membership / Meet Our Members / Wendy Bauer Reeves
Wendy Bauer Reeves is in her twenty-fourth year as band director at Sells Middle School, and her 28th year as an Assistant Director of the Dublin Coffman Marching Band. Prior to teaching band, she taught choir and general music for five years, also at Sells. Mrs. Reeves graduated from The Ohio State University School of Music in 1993, and received her MA in Music Education from OSU in 1998. While at OSU, she played tuba in concert ensembles and sousaphone in the OSU Marching Band. She enjoys conducting middle school honor bands and has presented sessions at the Ohio MEA State Conference several times. She was a clinician at the 2021 Midwest Clinic, 2013 NAfME National Conference, 2010 and 2015 Capital University Complete Band Directors Workshop, the International Meeting of WBDI in 2017 and 2021, and several state MEA conferences. In addition to OMEA and Women Band Directors International, Mrs. Reeves is a member of the American School Band Directors Association and has presented at the ASBDA regional conference twice.