Dr. Lisa A. Crawford is an educator, composer, author, and researcher. She began playing the piano at age 3, writing music at age 6, and teaching piano at age 12. She has taught music education in a variety of public and private K-12 and university environments specializing in choral arts, creative music, composition, songwriting, and music production. Crawford has founded the International Alliance for Young Composers and Songwriters, and is a presenter at state, national, and international music education conferences. Crawford currently serves California Music Educators Association (CMEA) as Creating and Composition Representative and has launched the new CMEA Composition Meetups for music educators in California. Crawford also serves College Music Society through the Southwest Chapter as President (2022-2024), and serves on the Executive Board of the Institute for Composer Diversity. Dr. Crawford is published by Routledge with a chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Music Composition Pedagogy. Awarded a national grant by Society for Research in Music Education and National Association for Music Education, Crawford is a member of the Palmer Research Group focused toward culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy. Dr. Crawford is currently writing a collection of children’s songs and writing two books, Beginning with Composition and Music Tech Café, writes extensively for CMEA Magazine, and is author and co-author of articles and book chapters. Crawford holds a B. Mus., Composition, M.M., Music Education, M.Ed., Curriculum & Instruction, and D.M.A. in Music Education with minors in Choral Music and Conducting, Statistics, Composition and Music Theory, and Collegiate Teaching. (2023)

Job Position

Composition Teacher


Los Angeles County High School for the Arts



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