Collegiates in Action: The 2024 NAfME Collegiate Kickoff Week

By Ben Reyes, NAfME Membership & Collegiate Program Manager

The annual NAfME Collegiate Kickoff Week returned for its fourth iteration as NAfME Collegiate members flocked to social media to share all their chapters’ exciting activities! This year’s Kickoff Week took place from September 16–20 with the NAfME Collegiate Advisory Council taking the lead in its planning and preparation.

NAfME Collegiate Instagram post for Service Monday

The virtual campaign seeks to connect chapters across the country with five daily themes, each of which corresponds to a category of the NAfME Chapter of Excellence awards. Chapters shared highlights and activities with #NAfMECollegiate and each day’s respective hashtag (e.g., #ServiceMonday, #MusicalTuesday, etc.) to celebrate their chapter’s recent, current, and planned activities for the academic year. This year’s Collegiate Kickoff Week themes were as follows:

  • September 16: Service Monday
  • September 17: Musical Tuesday
  • September 18: Advocacy Wednesday
  • September 19: Professional Development Thursday
  • September 20: Chapter Recruitment Friday

Participants from all over the country joined in each day’s recognitions resulting in incredible engagement on individual chapter and NAfME Collegiate official social media accounts (@nafmecollegiateofficial on Instagram and @cnafme on Facebook).

NAfME Collegiate Instagram post for Advocacy Wednesday

Excitement built as the event approached with special messages from NAfME Collegiate Program Manager Ben Reyes, back-to-school messages from the Collegiate Advisory Council co-chairs Kati Cox and Steve Kelly, and a special message from current NAfME Collegiate chapter presidents Maria Hisey (Miami University) and Haley Riley (DePauw University).

NAfME Collegiate Instagram post for Recruitment Friday

To officially kick things off, NAfME President Deb Confredo delivered an inspiring and motivating message to NAfME Collegiate members, and daily posts on the NAfME Collegiate official social channels followed throughout the week drummed up more enthusiasm. Check out some of the chapters that participated in this year’s NAfME Collegiate Kickoff Week:

Anderson University @au_nafme
Berry College @berrymusiced
California State University – Chico @csuchiconafme
College of Central Florida @cfpatriots_music
Concordia College @concordiacollegenafme
Crane School of Music @cranecollegiatenafme
DePauw University @dpumusiced
East Carolina University @ecucnafme
Florida Southern College @fscnafme
Florida State University @fsucnafme
Furman University @furman.nafme
Georgia State University @nafmegsu
Hartwick College @hartwicknafme
Indiana University @nafmeatiu
Keene State College @kscnafme
Luther College @musicatluther
Miami University @miami.ocmea
Moravian University @mupcmea
Nebraska Wesleyan University @nwunafme
Ohio Northern University @onu.ocmea
Oklahoma City University @ocunafmec
Purdue University Fort Wayne @pfwnafme
University of Arizona @nafme.uarizona
University of Indianapolis @uindy_cnafme
University of Nebraska Omaha @unonafme
University of North Dakota @und.nafme
University of Oklahoma @ounafme
University of the Pacific @nafme_at_pacific
University of Wisconsin – River Falls @uwrf.nafme
Vermont University at Castleton @vtsucastleton_nafme
Winona State University @wsu.nafme
Youngstown State University @ysuocmea

This event would not be possible without the support of the NAfME National Executive Board, Collegiate Advisory Council, and all the chapter advisors across the country who serve as the backbone of the NAfME Collegiate program. Thank you, all, for your assistance in making this year’s Kickoff Week the best one yet!

See more NAfME Collegiate activity by checking out last year’s Collegiate Kickoff Week recap and this year’s recap video below which highlights some of the activities from this year’s event!

Make sure your NAfME Collegiate membership is current (collegiate memberships expire June 30 each year), and if your campus does not yet have a chapter, learn how you can start one.

If you have any questions about the NAfME Collegiate program, please contact

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Published Date

October 17, 2024


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October 17, 2024. © National Association for Music Education (

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