/ News Posts / NAfME Collegiate Kickoff Week 2023 Recap
NAfME Collegiate Kickoff Week 2023 Recap
By Ben Reyes, NAfME Membership Manager
It’s back to school time for our NAfME Collegiate members! This year marked the third annual NAfME Collegiate Kickoff Week and took place this year from September 11–15. What started in 2021 as a response to the shift to a virtual education landscape has become a nationwide celebration of NAfME Collegiate members and chapters.
Throughout Collegiate Kickoff Week, NAfME Collegiate members were encouraged to take to social media to share chapter activities, ideas, and all things NAfME Collegiate surrounding each day’s themes. This year’s themes were as follows:
- September 11: Service Monday
- September 12: Musical Tuesday
- September 13: Advocacy Wednesday
- September 14: Professional Development Thursday
- September 15: Chapter Recruitment Friday
The themes, developed by the NAfME Collegiate Advisory Council members, were selected to reflect the Chapter of Excellence Recognition categories (more information regarding Chapter of Excellence Recognition awards will be shared at a later date).
Chapter involvement for this year’s Collegiate Kickoff Week was most prevalent on Instagram, with posts containing chapter activities being reshared through the NAfME Collegiate official Instagram page (@nafmecollegiateofficial) and Facebook page (facebook.com/cnafme) using the hashtag #NAfMECollegiate. See highlights from the week on the NAfME Instagram story “Collegiate 2023.”
Below is a list of some of the chapters that participated in the social media campaign:
East Carolina University | @ecucnafme | Austin Peay State University | @apsu.cnafme | Appalachian State University | @nafme_appstate |
University of Wisconsin
River Falls |
@uwrfmusiced | Moravian University | @mupcmea | William Carey University | @wmcarey_nafme |
San Diego State University | @cmeasdsu | Clayton State University | @claytonstatemusic | Troy University | @troyucnafme |
University of Idaho | @nafme.uidaho | University of Indianapolis | @uindy_cnafme | University of Miami | @umfcnafme |
Florida Southern University | @fscnafme | Millikin University | @ilmea_mu | Indiana University | @nafmeatiu |
California State University
Northridge |
@csunnafme | Ohio Northern University | @onu.ocmea | California State University
Sacramento |
@nafme_csus |
Oklahoma State University | @osunafme | Texas State University | @txstacda | University of Alabama | @ua_cnafme |
Butler Community College | @butler_cnafme | Georgia State University | @nafmegsu | And many more! |
A huge thank you to the NAfME Collegiate members and advisors for their involvement in kicking the school year off! Check out the recap video below for a glimpse at some of the activities shared throughout the week.
Collegiate Kickoff Week 2023 Recap Video from NAfME on Vimeo.
Published Date
October 4, 2023
- Membership
- Students
October 4, 2023. © National Association for Music Education (NAfME.org)