Michelle Leasor, Ed.D., is a passionate educator who has vast experience creating technology-rich and student-centered engaging experiences for both students and other educators. Michelle is currently a general music specialist in Pickerington Local Schools and has served in this role for eight years. Michelle is an active clinician at the Ohio Music Education Association and Technology In Music Education annual professional development conferences and at National Association for Music Education national conferences. Michelle has earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ohio University and University of Phoenix and a doctorate from National University.

She has conducted research into the experiences of music educators using technology during hybrid and remote learning, and she specializes in adapting digital content and delivery to a variety of students’ and educators’ needs. Michelle also serves as an adjunct instructor, guest lecturer, and subject matter expert at several universities, teaching and facilitating courses related to elementary and secondary general music instruction and curriculum development, in addition to serving as a marching band adjudicator with OMEA.

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