Sarah Minette
- K-12 Music Content Lead
- Minneapolis Public Schools
- Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Sarah Minette, PhD (BME, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, MAME, University of St. Thomas, and PhD, Arizona State University) is a Twin Cities based educator and scholar. She has had the privilege to teach K-Doctoral music makers and learners. She has served as Assistant Professor of Music Education California State University-Stanislaus and Adjunct Professor at the University of St. Thomas. Dr. Minette’s public school teaching career includes teaching elementary music, middle school band, jazz band, marching band, high school band, marching band, jazz band, guitar, piano, and sound production. In 2018, Dr. Minette was awarded a Music Education Innovator grant from the Give a Note Foundation for her work at South High that focuses on providing as many music making opportunities for students as possible.
Dr. Minette’s research interests include access and equity education, gender and sexuality in music education, and curriculum development in higher education. She has published articles in the journal for Qualitative Research in Music Education and Journal of Popular Music Education. Additionally, Dr. Minette has co-authored chapters in Narratives and Reflections in Music Education: Listening to Voices Seldom Heard and Women’s Bands in America: Performing Music and Gender. Her chapter, Researching LGBTQ Music Educators as Ally, is a part of the forthcoming
Dr. Minette has presented her research at local and national venues, including the National Association for Music Education Research Conference, the Feminist Theory and Music Conference, LGBTQ Studies and Music Education Symposium, the MayDay Colloquium, the International Conference on Narrative Inquiry, the Society for Music Teacher Education Symposium, and the New Directions Conference. Dr. Minette currently serves as the Editor for the Minnesota Music Educators Association journal Interval. Dr. Minette served as a co-facilitator for the Cultural Diversity and Social Justice ASPA for the Society for Music Teacher Education, president-elect and secondary general music chair for the Minnesota Music Educators Association and served as the equity chair for the Minnesota Band Directors Association. Additionally, Dr. Minette is in demand as a guest presenter to undergraduate music education classes as well as graduate classes to share her teaching experiences as well as her research. She also supports in-service music teachers through professional development workshops, curriculum design, and as a clinician.