Corie Benton
Corie Benton
Pope High School
Marietta, Georgia
Angela Harman Headshot
Angela Harman
  Nebo School District
Spanish Fork, Utah
James Pecsok headshot
James Pecsok
Bellows Falls Union High School
Westminster, Vermont
Jessica Fiedorowicz headshot
Jessica Fiedorowicz
South Haven Public Schools
South Haven, Michigan
Lesley Bossert headshot
Lesley Bossert
 Parkrose High School -Retired choir director
Portland, Oregon
Shelly Cole
Shelly Cole
Piper High School
Kansas City, Kansas
Tina Bennett
Tina Bennett
Pennsylvania Music Educators Association
Clarion, Pennsylvania
Michelle Ewer headshot
Michelle Ewer
Jefferson County Schools
Denver, Colorado
Christian Giddings Headshot
Christian Giddings
Noble High School
Portland, Maine
Carolyn Barber Headshot
Carolyn Barber
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska
Shane Calhoun headshot
Shane Colquhoun
Alabama State University
Montgomery, Alabama
Candice Mattio Headshot
Candice D. Mattio
University of Southern California, Thornton School of Music
Los Angeles, California
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