Society, Council, or Committee Chair
Sean F. Meagher
- Interim Chair, Council of State Editors
- 2024-2026
/ About / Person / Sean F. Meagher
Mr. Sean Meagher (he/him) serves as the Director of Publications and Exhibitors for the New Hampshire Music Educators Association. He served as NAfME’s Chair of the Council of State Editors from 2020–2024 and is currently serving as Interim Chair. He currently teaches bands, choirs, and general music at Gilford Middle School in New Hampshire. Prior to that, he was the Director of Bands in the Epping School District for five years and a band and general music specialist in the Fall Mountain Regional School District for three years. He received his Master of Arts degree in Conducting at the University of New Hampshire under the mentorship of Dr. Andrew Boysen Jr., his Bachelor of Arts in Music Theory from Keene State College, and his Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Keene State College. While at Keene State he studied with Dr. Jim Chesebrough, Dr. Sandra Howard, and Dr. Heather Gilligan.
In the role of Director of Publications and Exhibitors, Sean oversees all publications including concert programs, conference booklets, and the state’s journal. Additionally, he coordinates exhibitors for NHMEA’s conferences. As a leader in advocating for music education in New Hampshire, he has overseen advocacy initiatives including Music In Our Schools Month, performances at the State House, Post-Pandemic Mitigation and Reopening Plans, NH Ed 306 language updates, and local-level advocacy concerns such as scheduling and staffing support. Sean maintains regular contact with New Hampshire’s congressional offices in regard to legislation and appropriations. During the pandemic, he also regularly convened meetings with leaders from other NH music organizations forming the NH Music Education Coalition. He is also a member of the New Hampshire Band Directors Association where he serves as the webmaster and co-coordinator of the NH Chamber Music Festival.
As a college student, Sean began his work with NHMEA as a collegiate representative on their executive board in 2011. Upon graduation Sean was appointed NHMEA’s Music Coalition Chairperson and began following advocacy initiatives at the state and national levels. Sean was appointed as the editor of NH Quarter Notes in 2013. In these roles he became more invested in NHMEA’s mission and strategic planning. Sean’s continued passion and work with NHMEA led to his election as the chair of the Council for Advocacy and Membership Outreach from 2015–2022 and the creation of his current position as the Director of Publications and Exhibitors.
As an active musician, he plays tuba with the Center Harbor Town Band, Gilford Community Band, and Shaker Wind Ensemble. He has been invited as guest conductor for the Gilford Community Band, University of New Hampshire’s Summer Youth Music School, and the Lakes Region Middle School District Festival Band. He regularly directs the pit orchestra for Gilford High School and occasionally guest directs the UNH Beast of the East Pep Band.
Job Position
Music Teacher
Gilford Middle School