Teaching Music Magazine is the NAfME publication for all members at all teaching levels and in all areas. Membership includes four issues per year, distributed both in print and digitally. Articles should be easy-to-read, practical, informative, and engaging. Some content in Teaching Music is written by staff based on input from members and guidance from the Teaching Music Advisory Committee. Scroll to see the members of the Teaching Music Advisory Committee.

Committee Members

Ashante Griffin
Choral Director, Mundy's Mill High School
Jonesboro, Georgia
Aaron Wacker
Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Education
Pullman, Washington
Adam Gumble
Assistant Adjunct Professor Division of Education and Leadership
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Alicia Romero Sardinas
Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Education, Florida International University
Miami, Florida
Argine Safari
Supervisor of Music, World Languages, Multilingual Learners
Fort Lee, New Jersey
Rachel Maxwell
Director of Bands, Traughber Junior High School
Oswego, Illinois
Brian Beggs
Music Teacher Davidson Middle School
San Rafael, California
Tina Beveridge
Assistant Professor of Music Education, George Mason University
Burke, Virginia
Brittney Redler
Vocal Music Teacher and Researcher
Dublin, New Hampshire
Michael Raiber
Director of Fine Arts, Mustang Public Schools
Norman, Oklahoma
Kristina Weimer
Assistant Professor, Music Education, University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, Colorado
Walter Lindberg
Band/Orchestra Director, Pershing Hill Elementary School, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Crofton, Maryland
Wendy Bauer Reeves
Band Director, Sells Middle School, Dublin Ohio Assistant Marching Band Director, Coffman High School
Dublin, Ohio
Larry R. Blocher
Retired (July 2022) Dean of the College of Communication and Fine Arts/Director, School of Music
Birmingham, Alabama
Amber Peterson
Kilmer Endowed Chair of Strings Education, South Kansas Symphony, Conductor Southwestern College, Adjunct Assistant Professor, MM in Music Education Online Program University of Florida
Derby, Kansas
Katherine Sinsabaugh
Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts Port Chester UFSD
Larchmont, New York
Sarah Minette
K-12 Music Content Lead
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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December 2024 Music Educators Journal

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