NAfME Society for Research in Music Education

Founded in 1960, the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Society for Research in Music Education (SRME) is composed of NAfME members who have interest in all aspects of research in music education. Membership is open to anyone who checks the SRME box when they join or renew their NAfME membership.

The Society for Research in Music Education (SRME) seeks to encourage and improve the quality of scholarship and research within the music education profession. The Executive Committee of SRME oversees two research journals: Journal of Research in Music Education (JRME) and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. The NAfME Special Research Interest Groups (SRIGs) are part of SRME.


  1. Encourage research activity and improve research in music education as well as in fields related to music education.
  2. Provide an effective framework for the exchange of information among persons engaged in or interested in research in music education;
  3. Sponsor sessions at professional meetings devoted to reports of research studies and other relevant topics;
  4. Oversee and advise NAfME on research-related publications; and
  5. Foster and develop efforts that seek to apply research findings to the practice of teaching and learning.

Handbook of the Society for Research in Music Education

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SRME Executive Committee
The governing body of the Society is the SRME Executive Committee (EC). The EC facilitates the purpose of the Society by providing leadership, guidance, and means for communication. Specifically, the EC collaborates with and advises the leadership of the umbrella organization, NAfME, on research-related matters pertinent to NAfME’s goals. The EC consists of nine members, elected for six-year terms. One of the nine members is elected to serve as chair for two of the six years. View the members of the Executive Committee below.

SRME/NAfME Research Grants
In the effort to support innovative research tackling important and timely issues in the field, SRME/NAfME award research grants once every two years.  SRME, in consultation with NAfME’s National Executive Board, puts out a call for research proposals on topics that are key priorities of NAfME’s leadership. Typically, two proposals are funded up to $10,000 each. The request for proposals is announced in October to all SRME and SMTE members, and also via this web page.

Senior Researcher Award
SRME/NAfME sponsors a biennial Senior Researcher Award to recognize a SRME member for significant, long-term contribution to research and scholarship  in music education.

Special Research Interest Groups
The purposes of the Special Research Interest Groups (SRIGs) are to (a) broaden the base of support for research in NAfME by actively involving members with specific research interests in the activities of the SRME, (b) provide a focal point for research specialties for both for researchers and for teacher practitioners, (c) provide a continuing source of qualified leadership for SRME, and (d) provide a vehicle for engagement among researchers with similar scholarly interests. Learn More

Join SRME by adding membership to your NAfME membership record during the join/renew process or anytime during your membership.

Society Members

Phil Hash, Chair (2025-2026)
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
Wendy Sims, Immediate Past Chair (2025-2026)
Director of Undergraduate/Graduate Studies in Music Education
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
Kelly A. Parkes, Chair-Elect (2023-2028)
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Ruth Brittin (2020-2026)
University of the Pacific
Stockton, California
Victor Fung (2025-2030)
Professor of Music Education, Director of Center for Music Education Research, Coordinator of Ph.D. Program
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Carl Hancock (2020-2026)
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Beatriz Ilari (2018-2024)
University of Southern California Thornton School of Music
Los Angeles, California
Steve Kelly (2023-2028)
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida
Jessica Napoles (2023-2028)
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
Evelyn Orman (2018-2024)
University of North Carolina Dept of Music
Charlotte, North Carolina
Elizabeth Cassidy Parker (2025-2030)
Professor of Music Education
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brian A. Silvey (2025-2030)
Professor of Music Education, Director of Bands
University of Missouri
John Donaldson, Staff Liaison
Director of Professional Development and Publications

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