Council Members
Hannah E. Cole (2024-2026) Co-Chair
Director of Bands, K-12 Music Department Coordinator
Coventry High School
Coventry, Connecticut
Kimberly Lake (2024-2026) Co-Chair
Swansboro High School
Swansboro, North Carolina
Tim Lautzenheiser, Past Chair
Conn-Selmer, Inc.
Vice President of Education
Elkhart, Indiana
Tina Bennett (2024-2026) Eastern Division Representative
Vocal Music
PMEA -Past State President , Retired -Clarion-Limestone High School
Clarion, Pennsylvania
Jessica Fiedorowicz (2023-2025) North Central Division Representative
Director of Orchestras
South Haven Public Schools
South Haven, Michigan
Sarah Hanson (2024-2026), Northwest Division Representative
(2024-2025) Southern Division Representative
Shelly Cole (2024-2026), Southwestern Division Representative
Director of Choirs
Piper High School
Kansas City, Kansas
Troy Trimble (2023-2025) Western Division Representative
Instrumental Music Director
Fullerton Union High School
Fullerton, California
Michelle Ewer (2023-2024) Member-At-Large Representative
Tri-M Chair
Jefferson County Schools
Denver, Colorado